If it doesn’t, you must double check all toilets that they have a green checkmark on them.
Community Center Men’s Toilet, requires Fart that stops time.Over the course of the campaign, Cartman will expand on the player’s origin. Each class has three attacks and an Ultimate. Community Center Women’s Toilet, requires Toolshed Buddy South Park: The Fractured But Whole significantly expands on the class system introduced in The Stick of Truth, this time offering 10 class options instead of four, each based on a different type of superhero ability.We start at the bottom street, then middle street and lastly the top street: The list below is ordered by street from left to right. You must master them all for the Crappin’ Forte trophy! Toilet Locations

If done correctly it will show a green checkmark on the toilet, indicating that you’ve mastered it. You must get all stars by completing a button-pressing minigame. When sitting on a toilet it shows you the difficulty level in form of stars. Each house has one (Kenny’s house is the exception, no toilet there).