Shoot - Allows you to aim and shoot a Sim. Carry Weapon - Makes the Sim carry the weapon, so that it's ready to Shoot. This Mod contains the following features: PM me with your current game version if you need Level, there are an older versions of this mod that work with base game Only available with WA, Ambitions, Pets and Supernatural. It works with base game only, although there are some effects that are Latest version requires base game patch level 1.38 or higher(tested till 1.47), and is compatible with base game and every expansion/stuff packs released to date. In the game, you can find the objects in buy mode under Entertainment / You need to install the WeaponsLib package plus the weapon object packages you would like to use. Desecrate-XanKriegor_Pistol - Pistol object, cloned from Glock 17 mesh by XanKriegor.
Desecrate-XanKriegor_SniperRifle - Long Range Rifle object, cloned from Barrett M82 mesh by XanKriegor. Desecrate_WeaponsLib - Main script library for weapons objects, supporting a wide range of weapon types - requires base patch level 1.38 or above. These are generally not exclusive to this mod and are just part of the general wonkiness of the Sims 3 routing methods.This image has been automatically resized. Other errors, particularly when routing the active Sim or Hitman to the victim, have been seen. So you may want to make a quick save of your game before you go on a rampage, or you may have a few spirits in your Town that never made it to the other side. Sometimes the Reaper never shows, leaving a ghost behind. Shortly after the other Sim is shot, the Grim Reaper should come and collect them. If you do the deed yourself, and then hang around after the shooting, your Sim may get negative moodlets from ‘Witnessing Death’ – avoid this by fleeing the scene within 10 seconds or so after shooting. If you use a Hitman, make sure the victim is on a Lot (a Community Lot is fine, but just not out in the middle of the road, for example). The interactions are under “Hitman…” and are called “Shoot…point blank” and “Hire hitman to whack…” Using an adult Sim, click on another adult Sim. Install mod – click here for instructions on installing mods.
For those angry, lost, or just plain sociopathic Sims, we offer Hitman, a mod that adds “Shoot Point Blank” and “Hire Hitman to Whack” interactions between adult Sims. Sometimes a Sim just can’t find their place in the world.