LightHeaded: Shows comments from the Wowhead website's quest database in a window attached to your quest log frame.
TomTom: Allows you to set waypoints to destinations including a new feature to automatically show the way for quests.
QuestRouterLite: Adds the game's quest POIs to the minimap and works with TomTom to create waypoints for them automagically.
Jobs'a'goodn: Plays sounds upon completion of quests and their objectives.
Quelevel: Adds quest levels to the tracker, quest log, and gossip frames.
If you know of any more, let me know via PM and I can add them to this list. These are other addons to enhance your questing experience which are tried and tested with WFWW. Thanks to Recompense for suggesting "Who Framed Watcher Wabbit?" Then I had to change its name, because it did much more than just moved the tracker. Originally named Movable WatchFrame, I started adding other features to the addon. So, I set out to create a standalone addon (or at least a module for PocketPlot). But it just wasn't as simple anymore with the way it was coded. With the new quest tracker losing its ability to be moved freely, I set about adding support for it back into my minimap addon, PocketPlot.
shortcuts added to the collapse button (toggle Quest Log, Achievement Frame, addon's options).
option to automatically collapse the tracker when entering an instance or during pet battles.
allows you to minimize/maximize (toggle) the tracker via keybind.
adds a tooltip for quests to display their objective text.
optional support for rActionButtonStyler to skin quest item buttons.
give the quest tracker a background and/or border (border can be class-colored).
adjust the spacing between lines (disabled in WoD currently).
option to remove the art behind the section titles.
adjust the font, font size, font flag (outline, etc.), or remove shadow.
option to have scrollable quest tracker.
quest tracker remembers collapsed state.
quest tracker will collapse in whichever direction it's anchored to (just up or down in WoD currently).
allows the quest tracker to be moved wherever you please.
You may also alt-click the tracker's collapse button to access the options. This addon will add many improvements to the new quest tracker frame. I use the quest items ring on OPie, for example, or there is also QuickQuestItem or ExtraQuestButton or QuestItemButtonFix. You can use one of several available addons to use quest items. If this happens and a window pops up, click "Ignore". KNOWN ISSUE: Blizzard's new quest tracker is very delicate and taints very easily, not allowing you to use quest items from the tracker itself. (Button skinning has not been added yet, for example.) Most everything has been re-implemented so far. Note: This addon has been rewritten because of the changes to the quest tracker in WoD.